UML Class Diagrams
Purpose: Planing object orientated programs by showing object relationships
Each SmellyRat is an instance of an Animal. A SmellyRat will have the usual things Animals have (like a heart, brain) but a SmellyRat adds its own character: Smell, indefinable ratness, fur.
Both classes have a association with each other. The opposite end of the connection describes the relationship with roles: SmellyRat is a resident, Sewer is a home, and multiplicity: There are potentially 1 to many * SmellyRats residing a Sewer, and just 1 Sewer is home for to a SmellyRat.
Only one class needs to know about the other. A Plague does not reference a SmellyRat specifically in its implementation but the SmellyRat’s public Infection is a Plague type (sounds serious).
SmellyRat and LabRat are implementations of a Rat.
An implant is a part of a LabRat but is not necessarily destroyed when the LabRat is. Another example: A Car with 4 Wheels. The Wheels are parts of the car but can live outside it independently.
A StrangeGrowth cannot exist without a LabRat. Like the aggregation, a LabRat can have many StrangeGrowth parts but if the LabRat parent goes so do the StrangeGrowth instances (poor Rat).
SmellyRat depends on the API of Smell. To emitOdor a SmellyRat accesses the properties of a Smell. If Smell changes, SmellyRat might have to also.
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